IDCRC Mentorship Program
The IDCRC Mentorship Program is designed to offer mentoring and development of early career investigators and fellows in clinical and translational infectious diseases research. The IDCRC Mentorship Program is structured as a two-year program which includes mentoring advisory meetings, lectures and seminars, and other opportunities tailored to the mentee’s career goals.

Nina S. Prasanphanich, MD
Nina Salinger Prasanphanich, MD, is a research fellow of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Dr. Prasanphanich's research program aims to understand how maternal immune cells in the placenta fight bacterial infections, and translate basic discoveries into therapies that prevent maternal and neonatal infections.

Paulina Sudnik, MD
Paulina Sudnik, MD, is an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Rochester. Dr. Sudnik is interested in studying manifestations of infectious diseases depending on the host characteristics such as gene expressions and immunity. She is currently working on studying mechanisms of cardiac complications in patients with acute respiratory viral infections.

T32 Training Programs in Vaccine Sciences
Two academic centers within the LOC, Emory University and University of Maryland have the nation’s only T32 Training Programs in Vaccine Sciences.
University of Maryland Center for Vaccine Development (CVD) T32 Training Program in Vaccinology
The program, in existence for 20 years, includes 32 training faculty who span all phases of vaccinology. The program includes a core curriculum designed to convey the interdisciplinary nature of the field and provides context for the specific area of research. Dr. Kathleen Neuzil, Co-Chair of the IDCRC, is the Co-Director of the University of Maryland program.
Emory Vaccine T32 Training Program in Vaccinology
The program, established in 2010 supports young researchers across several disciplines to integrate basic, translational, clinical, analytic, social and applied sciences in Vaccinology. There are 40 preceptors from 12 departments/programs in the program. It introduces PhD, MD, and MD/PhD scientists with diverse backgrounds to a comprehensive advanced training program. Dr. Walter Orenstein, a member of the IDCRCLG, is the founding and current PI for the Emory Vaccinology Training Grant.
Other Related T32 Training Grants
The UAB Division of Infectious Diseases T32 Training Grant has longstanding strength in mentoring in all aspects of the study of STI, especially chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and genital herpes. The goal of University of Washington’s STD/AIDS T32 Research Training Grant is to train the next generation of leaders in STI and AIDS research; SDSU Director, Dr. Elizabeth Brown, is a mentor on this grant. In addition, the existing clinical and translational training programs at each of the eight academic medical centers within the LOC consortium provide model programs, experienced mentors and have institutional K, T and Masters’ programs in Clinical Research and Public Health.
These existing programs include:
- Emory University Clinical and Translational Research: Supported by the Georgia CTSA: Clinical Research Bootcamp designed to provide junior investigators with a comprehensive overview of key clinical research concepts
- Biostatistics for clinical and translational researchers, a weeklong biostatistics course that covers statistical concepts and analytical methods for data encountered in the biomedical sciences, biotechnology, and clinical/translational research
- Grant Writing Bootcamp, a series of scientific and grant writing sessions for early career investigators
- Team Science Training, a colloquium that addresses how to conduct team science
- Mentor training for trainees, a workshop devoted to optimizing the mentor-mentee relationship adapted from the NIH National Research Mentoring Network.